Amethyst Double Terminated Pendant


Amethyst Double Terminated Pendant –
This baby has its own solar system!

  • One of a Kind, crafted by my very own hands
  • Electroformed with Love and Patience in my rustic Mad Scientist Lab

🖤 18″ Chain Included 🖤


Amethyst Double Terminated Amulet Pendant
Incredible powerful amulet of  strength & protection. I know the rightful owner of this piece is seeking it.

★ Metaphysical Properties ★

  • Amethyst connects to the Crown Chakra and is said to transmute the negative into the positive, fear into love. Some metaphysicians prescribe Amethyst to those overcoming addictive substances or behaviors, often called the Stone of Sobriety. As it is sensitive to sunlight, and can fade when exposed to excessive UV rays, Amethyst can be used in nocturnal work, such as astral projection, lucid dreaming, and quelling nightmares. Mental Medicine indeed.
  • Labradorite connects us to our Throat Chakra – Speech, Communication, Language, and the spoken word.
    The power of keeping one’s word, speaking our Truth, speaking from the heart.
  • Copper is grounding, bringing everything back to the Earth, back home. – copper is a conduit.