
MoonStone Aura Quartz Pendant


MoonStone & Aura Quartz Sun Ray Amulet
Electroformed with Love and Patience in my rustic Mad Scientist Lab

The vibes coming off this baby are fire 🔥

🖤 18″ Chain Included 🖤

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Moonstone Aura Quartz Copper Pendant

In this little number, I’ve attempted to combine the mysterious watery nature of the moon with the open blooming energy of the sun.
Teardrop Moonstone crowned with 5 Aura Quartz points – A powerful amulet of protection. You know who you are.

★ Metaphysical Properties ★

  • Moonstone speaks to our softer, emotional, more “watery” side and may help us reach long forgotten parts of the psyche. Like the light of the moon itself, Moonstone is said to aid and protect travelers. Perfect for journeys both short & long, inner & outer.
  • Copper is grounding, bringing everything back to the Earth, back home. – copper is a conduit.
  • Aura Quartz although this effect not a naturally occurring phenomenon, it may enhance and magnify properties already present in the Quartz or other stone. Through atomic vapor deposition, the outer surface of the Quartz becomes bonded with atoms of different metals, creating a wild variety of iridescent colors.



Additional information

Weight 1.5 oz
Dimensions 3 × 2 in